Yes, my point is “science of CC should not be misrepresented to impel action.” I’m especially wary of providing fuel for the various forces waging war on science and truth. And with climate science in particular, hyperbole isn’t necessary. The reality is quite concerning. If there’s any potential downside to hyperbole — and I think there is — then stick with straightforward accuracy.
I don’t accept the “people are saying” dodge from Trump and I don’t accept it from other leaders with large platforms either. Amplifying an argument isn’t exactly the same as making it, but it has a similar effect.
With this article, my main criticism is against treating 1.5 degrees as a hard threshold. By helping to popularize that misconception, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s comments provided a good starting point to discuss it. But my argument is directed at the misconception itself, rather than any single person who makes or amplifies it.