I agree that America’s relative decline was inevitable and already happening. The “unipolar moment” couldn’t last forever. My main criticisms of Trump involve how he’s accelerated the process in ways that were entirely avoidable.
I disagree that the Obama administration failed to degrade ISIS. U.S.-backed forces took territory from the Islamic State throughout 2015 and 2016, reducing sources of income and number of fighters.
For example, you mention Mosul. The effort to retake surrounding areas took place from March to September 2016. The battle for the city began in October 2016 and concluded July 2017. That victory belongs to Iraqi Arabs and Kurds, Sunni and Shia, various minorities, and their international supporters. But to the extent the U.S. deserves credit, it goes to Obama (along with some, as I mentioned in the article, to Trump).
ISIS isn’t destroyed. That will be extremely difficult given the group’s transnational nature and online presence. However, since Obama vowed to degrade it, it’s been degraded.